When we had a heating & A/C unit tune up and check up 12 months ago, we were advised by the heat and air conditioning professional that within a year we’d need to purchase a brand new and modern central heating & A/C unit.
We weren’t sure if that was just a sales pitch or what, but as it turned out, she was right.
In May, we had to purchase a new central heating & A/C. Our aged central heating & A/C unit failed and wouldn’t work again. The timing was sheer luck though as we did find a brand new and completely modern central heat and air conditioning unit on sale at our local heating and cooling store. The heating and cooling store was having a central heating & A/C sale for 60% off the proper price. We are talking about the best energy efficient new heating & A/Cs. Therefore, we ended up getting a great deal to be perfectly honest. We now have a brand new heating and cooling unit that’s so efficient compared to the one we had. We can heat and cool our condo efficiently because the air flow is just so much better. Our old central heating & A/C plan was dying and we just didn’t want to believe that was happening.