When people tell me that they are settling down and starting their families I’m not sure what to say. Honestly, I feel like they are embarking on a life that I simply can’t begin to imagine myself. I don’t know how you viably settle down and give up on all of the exciting things that the world has to offer. Personally, I’m the sort of person who would prefer to travel the world and tuck new experiences under my belt rather than settling down with one human and waiting for the sweet release of death. That being said, I think it probably would be easier for me to simply buy a house, start a family, and live there forever. For one thing, I could control my indoor air quality a lot better than I can now. Because I enjoy traveling so much my air quality control issues are extremely exhausting. You see, I suffer from extremely powerful allergies and respiratory issues that affect me in every situation. If I don’t have complete control over my indoor air quality and air temperature devices I am likely to suffer from itchy eyes, a scratchy throat, and non stop sneezing. When I travel it can be very difficult to maintain the indoor air quality that I need. Most hotels and airplanes do not worry about filtering their indoor air to remove all of the airborne contaminants and toxins that irritate my respiratory system. As such, I often have to travel with my own air purification devices along with a purse full of over-the-counter allergy pills. As much as I enjoy seeing new sights, carting portable air purification devices with me everywhere I go is getting a bit exhaustive.
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