Boyfriend gives me smart thermostat access to feel at home

You can definitely tell a lot about somebody by the way that they treat you in their home.

When you go over to visit somebody’s house for the first time I think it is rather telling if they treat you with a lot of hospitality or are generally inconsiderate of your comfort.

This is why I’m pretty excited about the new guy that I’ve been seeing recently. I know that it’s a Florida system to think that his Hospitality means anything about the future, but he certainly wanted to keep me comfortable and happy. When I arrived he went so far as to ask about my indoor air quality control preferences and adjust the thermostat so that I could be comfortable in his high quality treated indoor air. He told me there was nothing worse than being at someone’s house and feeling like you were covered in goosebumps or sweat the entire time. I happen to wholeheartedly agree with his analysis of indoor air temperature making or breaking a visitation. We wound up talking about indoor air quality and air temperature control for several hours, during which it became clear that we were on the same page about respecting our HVAC equipment and using eco-friendly HVAC programming. At the end of our discussion my new boyfriend told me he felt so comfortable with my heating and cooling outlook that he even provided me his smart thermostat passcode so I could have just the indoor air temperature myself. I know that I can get swept away with heating and cooling hospitality… But I think we might be sharing a smart thermostat for a long time.

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