Invited allergy specialist to my house to feel HVAC himself

Sometimes I feel like there are too many people on this planet for anyone to live comfortably.

Every single position in every single industry is oversaturated at this point, so none of us can thrive.

We all keep fighting over the same positions for the same clients, and getting nowhere. This is why I have been getting more creative with my job bids recently. In fact, last week I invited my potential allergy-specialist employer over to my house just to prove my air purification skill set in an innovative way. It probably helps to know that I am a dedicated professional heating, cooling, and air quality control technician. I have been working in indoor air quality control positions for over 6 years now, but the indoor air temperature and air quality repair industry is extremely oversaturated right now in my area. There are a lot of heating, cooling, and air quality control repair shops around here which makes the job market very competitive. That’s why I went into air purification specialization to set myself apart from the competition and to target the local allergy specialist offices in the area. Surely, they need excellent indoor air purification and they will recommend it to clients, too. This is why I decided to invite my potential allergy specialist client over for dinner after finishing our interview at the indoor air temperature control dealership. I figured, rather than telling him about my air quality equipment diagnostic, installation, and servicing skills… I should just show him. When he came into my perfectly comfortable home and experienced the high quality indoor air for himself, he was impressed. When I told him that I was still using the HVAC equipment that came with the house, I got the job.


hepa filter

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